Monday, December 6, 2010

My name is Katie Burke and I am Socially Awkward!

I'm really awkward. The sad thing is people have actually made a point to make sure I know this. And frankly I don't mind at all as long as I know you. If we've only said a few words to one another, I don't appreciate you pointing it out. I was once at the movies and the guy I was buying popcorn from told me this. The really sad thing is that it wasn't just once. Yes, my beloved readers, I have been told by two separate popcorn guys on two different occasions that I am a very awkward person. On the other hand I once actually created a line at Hot Topic because the cashier and I were having a conversation about how awesome the Harry Potter shirt I was buying was. And on four awesome occasions the cashiers at bookmans gave me 20% because of what I was buying (okay once it was because I had pink hair.) Anyway I just want to make a point of saying, that it is these people who define the world. And it is these people who will actually make a difference and an impact on humanity. Little by little they are saving awkward people from me becoming Hermits. And maybe, eventually with enough of their help, I will develop enough euphoria and a high enough self-esteem to actually do a vlog post. So, to those nerds in the world who are helping me to not stay at home watching Farscape reruns all day, I propose a toast. And to those douches who insist on calling me socially awkward, well you guys can suck it.

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