Monday, April 4, 2011

Door to Door Meat Salesman.

I don't mean to bother
This is a sure strange way to greet
But could you maybe ponder
Purchasing some meat?

This is the freshest I've to offer
And you look like you can eat,
So, my friend look no further,
than this delicious slack of meat.

I go from door to door
I come from street to street
And, my friend I can assure
you will adore this meat.

Better than the store
you need no receipt
And you need not a cent more
than $100 for this meat

What you say no deal?
I'm not one to conceit
My friend this is a steal!
How 'bout $50 for the meat

I see your quite taken
Your life would not be complete
without a little bacon,
filet minion is a nice meat

I see you aren't interested, man
But I do accept defeat
I'm just a lowly salesman
Who can't sell any meat.