5. In the most recent episode 30 Rock a construction worker cusses at Liz, but a Jackhammer goes off every time something bad is said. It's a little cartoonish, but I still laughed.
4. Ted, in How I Met Your Mother, calls Lily a "grinch". Of course Lily gets mad and steals all the Christmas decorations making it all very appropriate.
3. If you're going for something a little more sophisticated, as apposed to slapstick, you could try inventing your own cuss word. Now, I think this is a great idea, but wouldn't it be cooler if they went for something a little less similar then Frak? I think people in the future will prefer something more like, "Oh, Sliitushpatob!"
2. If you have a great cast that's willing to memorize foreign words you could always try cussing in a different language. Firefly does this brilliantly. It somehow just slides into the whole cowboys in space theme without much questioning.
1. And the number one way to get away with cussing on television is...
killing the character off before they finish talking. Joss Whedon, who is the master at this (he also did Firefly), sends Willows vampire doppelganger, back to the alternate universe only to be killed off within seconds, leaving her last word and a half "Oh Fu", because she's staked by Oz before she can finish. I guess that would be the big problem with "Oh Sliitushpatob", you wouldn't get very far.
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