If you're a charlieissocoollike fan, you've probably seen his new video about how nerdy he is. I would like to protest that I am in fact much nerdier than Charlie McDonnel, for the following reasons:
1. I'm so socially awkward that I can't even vlog. It's too embarrassing. When I'm blogging, no one can see me! Cause I'm attractively deprived. Also, I could be wearing my sister's Lady Gaga Halloween costume and you wouldn't know.
2. I have way more nerdy t shirts then he does. He had like 5, I have at least 15. I'm serious, all I wear are Jeans, converse, and nerdy T-shirts.
3. I own every season of BtVS, Angel, Smallville, and Doctor Who (the new series). And quote them all regularly.
4. Due to number 3 people often give me looks that express complete and utter "WTF?"
5. I have written a fanfic. You will never get to read it. EVER.
6. I sing in public, as if life is a musical. I'm the person who people try to avoid on the bus.
7. I often randomly burst into laughter when I think about something funny.
8. I have 13 the musical on my ipod ( or is that more dorky?)
9. My sister and I regularly have debates over weather David Tennant or Matt Smith is cooler.
10. I listen to random british pop music, that I have literally killed a party with.
11. My blog is called finding Serenity In Constant Euphemisms (If that's not nerdy, I don't know what is)
12. I attend Can't Stop the Serenity every year. And I dress up.
13. My friend and I once randomly decided to dress up as Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer.
14. I have already purchased my XD tickets for Harry Potter on opening night.
15. I'm going as Chloe Sullivan for Halloween this year.
16. I have star wars pancake molds.
17. I have both AVPM and AVPS on my ipod.
18. I have a ridiculous attachment to Michael Cera. I'm going to marry him someday! Despite what Susie says!
19. I'm in AP Calculus. Not to mention I'm on my school's Academic Decathlon Team.
20. I once pulled an all-nighter watching the entire first season of Torchwood.
21. My ipod case has Darth Vader on it and my phone background is from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.
22. I have a drawer in my room that has the sole purpose of storing comics, which all have protective coverings.
23. The people at Bookmans have given me discounts for being awesome.
24. Unlike Charlie McDonnel, I am not famous. I do this for fun.
25. I've died my hair pink.
26. I have this reoccurring dream where I'm married to Joss Whedon and I ruin dinner.
27. I am actually making a list of the ways I am nerdier than Charlie McDonnel.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Closing Time and Getting Shived.
After a week filled with very drama related things, I have realized how much I completely adore almost anything and anyone involved in theater. I love the dressing room on opening night, where everyone is too engaged in their frantic search for that missing earring to care what you look like with your shirt off. I love the swapped secrets and dressing room talk during dress rehearsal. I love screaming I'M FIRED UP! ARE YOU FIRED UP? during warmups. I love the moment before you enter, while you're waiting backstage where the world seems to slow down, and you know for a second that no matter what it's going to be awesome. I love the feeling that I'm a part of something awesome. I love that everything comes together and a group of very different people can create something amazing. I love the people. I love how understanding, and not judgmental everyone is. I know it's cheese, but i love the saying there are no small parts, only small actors. If you want it to work right in the end, you're a family and every part is vitally important to the show. I love how crazy excited everyone gets. I love closing time and getting shived.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Everybody Loves Ke$ha.

Is it weird that I kind of love Ke$ha? That was a rhetorical question. In my defense, her songs are really catchy. Sure she uses auto tune, but it's for effect and she obviously has to be a good singer. I mean anyone who was a background singer for Britney Spears has to be a good singer. And did you know she got a 1500 on the SAT, and has an IQ of over 140? And at least she writes all her own music. Plus, anyone who's trying to make blue lips a thing deserves some serious admiration. I feel so good now that I've finally come clean. My name is Katie, and I think Ke$ha is really cool! I feel so much better now. Don't even get me started on how awesome Lady Gaga is.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Top 5 Ways to "Cuss" on Television.

5. In the most recent episode 30 Rock a construction worker cusses at Liz, but a Jackhammer goes off every time something bad is said. It's a little cartoonish, but I still laughed.
4. Ted, in How I Met Your Mother, calls Lily a "grinch". Of course Lily gets mad and steals all the Christmas decorations making it all very appropriate.
3. If you're going for something a little more sophisticated, as apposed to slapstick, you could try inventing your own cuss word. Now, I think this is a great idea, but wouldn't it be cooler if they went for something a little less similar then Frak? I think people in the future will prefer something more like, "Oh, Sliitushpatob!"
2. If you have a great cast that's willing to memorize foreign words you could always try cussing in a different language. Firefly does this brilliantly. It somehow just slides into the whole cowboys in space theme without much questioning.
1. And the number one way to get away with cussing on television is...
killing the character off before they finish talking. Joss Whedon, who is the master at this (he also did Firefly), sends Willows vampire doppelganger, back to the alternate universe only to be killed off within seconds, leaving her last word and a half "Oh Fu", because she's staked by Oz before she can finish. I guess that would be the big problem with "Oh Sliitushpatob", you wouldn't get very far.
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