Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The worst part of being sick.

I hate being sick. It's immensely boring, so boring that I end up spoiling something for myself via the internet. That's definitely the worst part of being sick. I mean, I love the internet way more than the average person, and I am way too attached to it, but sometimes it can really be a bitch. Just because I want to know what's going to happen next on How I Met Your Mother, doesn't mean I really want to know. It's worse with shows you're watching after they've already aired. In 2 seconds you already have zillions of forums discussing events that you haven't seen yet. That's why my Lost stage was so very, very short. Sometimes, if you're lucky, spoiling something just makes it even more intriguing. But since the writers hate me (as stated in, Bang Bang Kiss Kiss but Not For Long because it will end in a Major Letdown), most of the time I just end up regretting watching that fan-vid and cursing the internet instead of my own stupidity. Still, occasionally you miss-interpret the information and end up surprised anyway. Or maybe the worst part of being sick is that my judgement gets way off. I love terrible Sarah Michelle Gellar movies about magic food, or end up crying during Never Been Kissed. But sometimes, something even worse happens and you end up watching an I Didn't Know I was Pregnant marathon until you end up huddled in the corner of the couch, peeking through your hands as the humongous, screaming women bores two squirmy purply things. Birth is gross. But then again maybe it's the fact that I'm out of orange juice.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I hate falling asleep during movies. It's so pointless. It's okay to fall asleep if you've seen the movie before, but there are certain movies I can never seem to stay awake through. I call these movies "Sleepers." I'll use it in a sentence too: "Oh man! I watched this sleeper last night and fell asleep at about 11, I felt so lame." Many people disagree with me when I say that Guys and Dolls is a sleeper, but I've attempted to watch it like 5 times and I've only gotten as far as "A Person Could Develop a Cold." Many people really really disagree with me when I say that Alien is a sleeper, but the first 20 minutes are the longest 20 minutes ever. I was like "Please is someone gonna die already?" I fell asleep before I found out. One movie that most people don't realize is a sleeper is Titanic. I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "Katie, I have seen all of Titanic and it is therefore not a sleeper." But you stand corrected my friend. Titanic is such a long movie that you are bound to fall asleep at one point or another, you just fall asleep at a different part every time, so you've still seen the whole movie. I've only fallen asleep in the actual theater once. It was during Robin Hood, which from the first 20 minutes that I did see I could tell it was a lame rip-off of the charming British T.V show. In my defense, it was at a drive in, which actually is quite strange because it normally takes me forever to fall asleep in the car. The weirdest part about falling asleep during movies is that sometimes people say, "Hello Katie, have you seen Aliens?" and I'm never sure if I should say I have, or just say that I fell asleep. Would that make me look really lame?